Saturday, November 19, 2016


Archbishop Emeritus Anthony Soter Fernandez for your elevation to be the first cardinal in Malaysia!!

   Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez
 19 November 2016
  This above photo was published by BBC World Service website. (Link)
   It makes all Malaysian Catholics so proud.

Consistory for the creation of new cardinals

Who would have thought that this day would come?

I cannot think of a more suitable candidate among the clergy in Malaysia to be elevated to be a Prince of the Church than Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez.

Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez is the most humble man I have ever met. He is so unassuming that no one would have known he is an arch/bishop if they weren't Catholic. He is a man who never seeks pomp and ceremony but will let Christ be the centre of everything.

Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez, once again CONGRATULATIONS.

Announcement in the Malaysian paper, the Star:

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